There’s very little in the world that takes breath away quite like an object that was crafted, built with care and passion, and presented with the sort of pride that befits a marvelously well-made item. That which is beautiful is increasingly difficult to come by in a world where a premium is placed on speed, and things are made to be disposable. We often sacrifice real craftsmanship at the altar of expediency. While we are still capable of recognizing the value of something that has been expertly constructed, we often choose the cheap and easy option instead.
principals of great design: cRAFTSMANSHIP

Our receivers begin as a solid piece of high grade 7075 aluminum. We then use precision machinery to machine what you see before you. Every receiver is stress tested and qualified to ensure you get the perfect match. Billet receivers are more expensive to make for a reason. Forgings are simply not for us, you can't get the quality and design from a forging. They are used because they are cheaper and easier to make. Something we have no interest in.
- We can start with the fluted bolt. Our dedication to craftsmanship and design are the reason why we take the time to craft a bolt worth of the F12.
- Our ambidextrous safety comes stock on all F12's.
- We have spent the time to develop a trigger that has zero creep and with a distinct flat blade look.
-The detail remains on our large mag release to ensure easy transition between magazines
- Our large bolt release is designed to take out BAD lever with the ease of a couple screws.
- High vis indicators of on the safety selector switch

the details

Our enhanced charging handle ensures you have control of the bolt at all times. With its oversized design it ensures an easy grab every time

The Magwell is skeletonized for weight reduction and a custom look that won't be mistaken for anything else. The large amount of flare helps ensure magazines are loaded with ease every single time.

Every detail of the F12 has meticulously been thought out crafted and perfected to bring you the best magazine fed shot gun on the market today. Every line, every contour every detail has been perfected by the best craftsman and designers in the industry. If you are looking for the best you have found it.